Monday, September 16, 2013

Flight fest

Last Sunday we had a big free fly past of aeroplanes along the river Liffey.

I think we should get the people who organised it to run the country, it went really well.
I didn't see many of the aircraft myself as the HailO system was hopping.
Sometimes you get on a roll and you just keep going.

The secret of my success.

Funny one this morning.
I got a Chinese HailO job this morning on the Clontarf Road to the British Embassy in Ballsbridge.
"Will we make it there in 15 minutes?"
For once an answer came straight to me.
"Yes you will ......In your dreams"

Speeding for taxi drivers is a real No No... one guy told me how he was stopped by the Garda and given a ticket with 2 penalty points for going through a red light. His passenger never even said "sorry for pushing you back there"
Then to add acid to the brew he waited for 20c change and his receipt....

I sinned badly myself to bring a French lady from Ringsend to the airport in 20 minutes.
Between the jigs and the reels I had forgotten to start the meter, when I did start it I was over 1/2 way through the journey...
So I really went fast.....(God I am much wiser now)
There was only something like €15 on the meter when we got there...which she paid and waited for her change.
I was fuming as I walked back to the car.
As I put on my seat belt I realised that I hadn't added the €10 for the port tunnel...
The total cost of the journey should have been around ............€35

Thinking of my folly I swore to God that if I had not been given tickets for the trip I would sin no more.
S I hav'nt

So a lovely Italian girl got the answer  last week.
"Will we be there by 9.30?"
"Sure no problem if you were 1/2 an hour earlier".
She got out at the Sam Beckett bridge to run across, just as we had beaten the traffic.
Then  BANG straight away!
I got another HailO job

The difference between the 2 people was amazing, the other lady was so friendly just gushing about the wonders of the HailO system.

I find people are so completely different from each other that you sometimes wonder if they are the same species of animal..This one is a Lion   this one is a Chimp and this one is a Lamb.

One guy told me once to "stick up for yourself, no one has to put up with bad manners"
So a man gets into the taxi and uses bad language, then he hits the excess button.
"Why the fuck did you come this way you stupid moron?
I pulled over stop the taxi and said the magic word.

"Get out"

Wow! that guy had that coming for a long time.
He was dumbfounded... "You have to bring me"

No sunshine you are an bad mannered ignorent fool who has to go some other way, good manners come with breeding and education..You have neither.

Hus scarlet face and screaming did no good.

But I still feel better for taking control of the situation.

The guy who gave me that advice back then was a Billionaire, as it transpired and the other things he told  me have kept me in good stead through the years.

Life is as good as the effort you are prepared to put into it.

Go on make a bit of an effort today.

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